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Take on Board breakfast recap, August 2018

Thanks to everyone who joined me at the August Take on Baord breakfast and, in particular, to our fabulous speakers Clare McCartin and Trish McCluskey for their informative, insightful and interesting stories and tips.

Here’s a summary of some of their take-out messages.

Summary of key points

  • Self analysis  where can your skills contribute? What interests/sectors can you pursue? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What is your unique value proposition for a board role? What time do you have to contribute to a board and related work?
  • Resumes  your resume helps you construct your pitch and get you to interview. It’s not an Executive resume – it should be short, sharp and concise. Outline your achievements, education, membership, board roles and committees. Be clear on why you want the particular board you are applying for. Here’s a template for a board resume.
  • Personal brand  be accessible online and face to face. Consider ‘where do I need to be seen?’. At networking events, it’s not all about how many cards you can hand out – meet people and take an interest. Follow up via LinkedIn (with a personal message, not just a connection request). Write online or blog  share the tips or learnings from this event (and thanks to Jacinta and Catherine for doing just that afterwards). Invest in a professional photo for LinkedIn.
  • Where to look  networking! Only about 10% of board roles are advertised. Use your networking to find roles and opportunities. Online look at AICD, Board Directions, Women on Boards and Leadership Victoria (I have a blog post on where to look). Make direct contact with organisations via LinkedIn. Build relationships with search firms. For networking in a male dominated environment, learn about football!
  • Interviews  board interviews are more conversational. They will want to know why you are interested in the role and organisation, what are the key strategic challenges you can see  how much homework you have done on the organisation. There will also likely be some more standard behavioural questions. Research the organisation and who’s who in the zoo.

A sample of the feedback from breakfast

  • Good choice of speakers.
  • Q&A opportunity.
  • Bios and name tags were helpful.
  • Good mix of speakers, great content and loved the board marketplace. Informative, engaging and targeted.
  • The talks were very informative and engaging  engaging, inspiring and practical.
  • Speakers were great, very good conversation at our table and I like that people shared current board opportunities. Inspiring, thoughtful and collaborative.
  • Great tips from speakers, really practical. Inspiring and motivating.
  • Speakers were excellent, I loved Trish’s story. Interesting, inspiring and practical.
  • The networking and speakers were excellent  insightful, fun and educational.
  • Well organised and timed.
  • Great agenda and format  works well and a good mix of networking and presentations/Q&As. And the mushrooms were excellent! Inspiring, interesting and engaging.
  • Networking opportunity and hearing others experiences – inspiring and energetic.
  • Networking and camaraderie  I loved the format. Educative, generous and fun.
  • The intro/bio document worked well.
  • Inspiring speakers as always  these events are awesome! Insightful, fun, networking.
  • Safe environment to explore opportunities and connect. Awesome, relevant, sharing.
  • Smooth, seamless organisation of event and encouragement of networking. Excellent speakers  invigorating, engaging and informative.
  • Such a great gathering of women! I love the goodwill and camaraderie in the room! Validating, encouraging and warm.
  • The mix of presenters, opportunities to network, Q&A and marketplace all worked well. Informative, supportive and engaging.
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