Building governance capacity and experience
I’m passionate about governance. I am proud to be part of the effort to drive greater board diversity and board accountability through self-assessment and skills development.
I have extensive governance experience:
- I’m a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).
- I specialise in governance in my consulting practice
- I run two governance programs – Take on Board KickStarter and Take on Board Accelerator.
- I’m the host of the Take on Board podcast.
- I run a number of Take on Board events – online talks, networking breakfasts, a book club.
- I facilitate the very active Take on Board community – through Facebook and LinkedIn.
I’m also on a number of boards, including the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne and the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service.
I often customise according to individual requirements. So, if you can’t see what you need here, contact me and we’ll come up with a plan that’s just right for you.

Helga has assisted the Moreland Energy Foundation Limited board in a number of ways over the past couple of years, including providing specific support and individual director coaching on our stakeholder engagement strategy. She has a great ability to keep a group on track with their agenda, syntheses divergent view into a coherent way forward and uses clever interactive exercises to surface key issues and build consensus.
Monique Conheady, chair, Moreland Energy Foundation
My governance services
Take on Board KickStarter
Take on Board Accelerator
For women board directors looking to build on governance experience and explore challenges in a safe environment.