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Today on the Take on Board podcast, chat with Sheena Watt about how to get on a board and about cultural isolation in the boardroom.
Sheena, a proud Yorta Yorta woman, is a board member of Vic Health (Victorian Health Promotion Foundation), Progressive Public Health Australia, the Victorian Council of Social Services, otherwise known as VCOSS, and Women’s Health Victoria.
She’s also the executive manager for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy and programs at AFL sports.
Sheena was formerly on the boards of the Queen Elizabeth Centre, The Centre for Australian Progress, 3KND (Koori Radio Melbourne), Eastweb fund, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance, ANTaR National.
Sheena has learned to make her voice heard and has found causes she cares about. She says the best way to operate on a board, discover what you don’t know and work on learning about it and keep working to break down preconceptions about fellow board members.