Thanks everyone who joined me at the November Take on Board breakfast and, in particular, to our fabulous speakers Karen Corry and Christy Karamzalis for their informative, insightful and interesting stories and tips.

Summary of key points
- Put yourself out there – give a clear message that you are looking for board roles.
- Being passionate about the organisation you are applying for – helps, but it’s not an absolute.
- Board aspirations can start small and build.
- when applying for a board, take it seriously and know what it means. Be careful in what you accept – don’t just take the first thing that comes. along. Do your due diligence. Don’t under-estimate the time required to be a non-executive director.
- Treat finding a board role like finding a job
- Your resume is important – and it’s different to the resume you use for your usual job. Take the time to tailor it for a governance role.
- Do your research – read annual report of the organisation and also of any competing or complementary organisations. Identify drivers, metrics, issues. Review the finances. Speak to others. You might even work with the CEO or organisation pro bono for a few days before accepting a role.
- Be clear on the skills that you have that match this organisation and this Board – identify your core skills and your differentiating skills.
- Switch your mindset from being the ‘do-er’ to the ‘governor’ – a board role is not (necessarily) about how good you are at doing things and action item.

A sample of the feedback from breakfast
- A little more time for networking around the room would be great.
- Networking in a relaxed environment.
- Great speakers and really interesting questions.
- The speakers were really interesting, relatable and really impressive.
- It was great to talk with interesting people.
- It was a terrific balance of discussion and presentation.
- Entertaining speaks – high energy.
- Loved the speakers.
- Great agenda.
- Best breakfast event I’ve been to.
- Speakers (candor, approachable, relevant, kind).
- Great to hear two speakers from the same board – different perspective on things.
- Hearing about the speakers experience.
- The Q&A session at the end.
- Great structure of the event and energy of the room.
- Practical, grounded conversation.
- Geared to equipping women to get best spot of a board.
- Welcoming environment.
- Listening learning from board members’ experience, how they started and how to be successful.
- The speakers were really engaging.
- The format of the breakfast worked really well.
- Hearing other women’s stories.
- Great – keep it up!