Thanks to everyone who joined me at our first Take on Board breakfast for 2017 and, in particular, to our fabulous speakers Sonia Petering and Llewellyn Prain for their informative, insightful and interesting stories and tips.

Summary of key points:
- Work hard – when you are applying for the board of an organisations, research: strategy, financials, insights, stakeholders, market, competitors etc. When on a board, attend committees, even those you are not on. Attend staff events to learn more about the lay of the land. Build your knowledge of the industry and the operating model.
- Be brave – it can be hard and you sometimes need to question and call out issues at board and outside of board. If you’re thinking something, chances are others on the board are too – someone needs to say it. If your co-directors are not being collegiate, speak with the Chair. Robust conversations are a sign of a healthy board
- Build relationships – when applying for a board use your networks and, possibly, search firms. When on a board, build trust, travel together, attend events with staff and executive
- Be ready – capability (might be AICD course, testimonials on your governance strengths, identifying your achievements), capacity (three boards is enough), character.
- And get your board CV ready – it’s different than a regular CV – shorter and focussed on governance capability.
Feedback from the breakfast:
- Format worked well – insightful presentations. Inspiring, informative and engaging
- Good speakers and conversation with women seated with. Inspiring, daunting and motivating.
- Presenters – mix of experience was good. Insightful, valuable and interesting.
- It all worked well – insightful and concise speakers, good venue, excellent facilitator. Insightful, supportive and invigorating.
- Practical insights and examples. Professional, practical and useful.
- Speakers knowledge and topics.
- Great speakers. I thought the informal conversation with the speakers worked well with more opportunity to ask questions. Inspiring, friendly and informative.
- Smaller group and long tables worked well. With two speakers we could find out more.
- Informative, candid and collegiate.
- Presentations and Q&A worked well. Given the time to meet others was also good.
- Refreshing, inspiring and useful.
- Interesting and very capable women. Inspiring and intimidating!
- Great speakers and break between speakers and Q&A. Inspiring, interesting and fun.
- Everything worked well! Informative, inspiring and comforting as a new comer.
- Two excellent speakers that had great insight. Informative, insightful and comfortable.
- Topics and speakers worked well. Useful, insightful and inspiring.
- Very interesting speakers – frank and knowledgeable. Informative, experienced, professional
- Sonja and Llewellyn, great insights shared. Venue and breakfast good also. Insightful, valuable, provocative.
- Speakers – simple, targeted messages. Engaging, insightful and affirming.