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A framework for making space

I’ve been using my RSVP end-of-year reflection and planning tool for six years now. Yes, I practice what I preach!

I print out the worksheet (which you can download for free from my website’s free tools section), put aside time an hour or two to think and scribble and then record my reflections and plans on the Take on Board podcast.

This year, my word is ‘space’

For me, it’s about ‘leaving space in the cup’. Space to grow and learn. Space to be.

Like water in a stream moving around rocks and trees, space in the cup will mean I’m feeling in flow, at ease.

The practical things I’ve put in place to help me leave space are:

A mid-year ‘space’ check in

It’s fair to say that my progress has been patchy.

Some things have worked beautifully well. I spent a few weeks faithfully pomodoro-ing’ my time, realising that you can achieve a lot when you focus on just one thing at a time. I also realised that I can’t be productive for all 16 pomodoros a day. Many things that I thought would take one 25-minute slot, often took two slots, or three or more. So, tracking this has helped me to be realistic about the space I need.

I also engaged a coach to help keep me accountable in ‘leaving space’. Whilst I haven’t been a very good client – often changing appointments – the couple of sessions I have had helped me to reflect on what I have done and what I need to do next. Just as good coaching should do!

However, I was still feeling that I didn’t have that flow, the space.

So, I did some more thinking…

Reflecting. Pondering.

And, I realised a couple of things:

  1. I am good at blocking out time for holidays
  2. I already had principles in place to achieve balance

Blocking out time for holidays

Firstly, I am in the very fortunate position of really loving my work. Saying no to clients is super hard! Everything sounds like so much fun to be involved in! I always say ‘yes’ if I can. So, days often start early and finish late and work regularly leaks into the weekends.

Being so engaged in my work is actually a good problem to have. Although a workaround is required.

On the flipside, I realised that I am good at blocking time for holidays. At the start of each year, I now block out at least a three-week block. I reflected… ‘what if I just blocked out some extra time?’

So that’s what I did.

This year, I realised that there were a few weeks in June where not as much locked in. I blocked those three weeks out. It worked a treat. I told clients that I wouldn’t be available for the latter part of June. Most of them were more than happy to wait. And those who had urgent work, it was a great opportunity to refer them to some excellent colleagues.

My next experiment with ‘leaving space’ is to just take more holidays!

Noosa 2024
Image: pics from my June 2024 trip to Noosa, where I read, hiked and spent a lot of time away from the computer

Turning my principles for balance into a framework for space

I realised that there I had a number of principles in place that have stood me in good stead over the years in keeping some semblance of balance.

I love a framework, so I documented these principles – what I’ve learnt about creating work/life balance – to create a framework to carve out space in our busy lives.

Introducing SPACE:

S = silo. Silo your time.

I’ve done a few different experiments with this. Many years ago, I used to have ‘do nothing’ in my diary every Wednesday night. I knew if I didn’t have ‘do nothing’ there it would just fill up with catch ups, events, gym classes. So, each Wednesday I would ‘do nothing’. These days – as I have just shared – it’s about blocking out time for holidays. Even though as a work-for-myself person, I often do bits and bobs of work when I’m on leave, it’s not the same as being in the office each day. It provides me with some space to think, rest and recharge.

P = plan. Plan something otherwise you’ll rely on habits.

If you’re anything like me, it’ll be business as usual if you don’t plan. So, plan a holiday. Go to the movies. Go for a walk. For me, if I don’t plan something – even if the plan is to ‘do nothing’ – then I risk frittering away the time with meaningless things like disappearing down the social media vortex. For me, having a plan – and, even better, airline tickets booked – works best.

A = accountability. Tell someone about your plan.

You might want to engage a coach. You might write to your email list and let them know you’re taking some time off. Or tell family or friends. Do something that makes you accountable for leaving that space.

C = celebrate. Reward yourself.

Reward yourself when you do something that is aligned to your goals! On my upcoming trip I will take a moment each day to celebrate.

E = echo. Do it all over again!

Before I left Noosa, I booked in for a massage for my return to Melbourne. Now that I’m back from my June 2024 trip, I need to ensure I ‘echo’ this SPACE in other ways too.

If you have any feedback on this SPACE framework, I’d love to hear about it

Ideas to Action

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